Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Relationships and Change

Relationships are hard, but nothing can change until the root cause of what is causing your trauma and what you keep dragging each other through is addressed and healed....

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni


You probably don't even realise that so much of your life is filled with distractions. You get to a point in your life and you start asking yourself... "how they fuck did I get here".... you've been so busy distracting yourself with all the things, you've missed your entire journey and opportunities to heal along the way...

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Universal Day 4

Today is a universal four day. The overall month is a nine. If you've heard the last few daily messages I have left is a nine month, which is all about wrapping things up, tying things up, letting go of things, getting rid of things, surrendering, big broom, universal broom coming in and getting rid of all the shit that you no longer need.

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

A Channeled Rant

Tune in for a Channeled Rant on all things triggers, trauma, and doing the work!

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Apology v Changed Behaviour

There was an apology that I received recently, and it is the same fucking apology that I have been getting now for at least 12 years. And I am now at the point, and I have been for some time, where the only apology that I'm interested in is the action that follows it or the change behavior that actually comes from it.

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Number 9 and Detachment

I've had so many people message me about November being a nine month and endings and making comment on, "Thank God that's over," and it was whatever it was. But ultimately I love the number nine in numerology.

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Triggers From Children

For those of you who have children, that when they are reflecting back at you and making you feel angry, mad, sad, frustrated, envious, jealous, resentful, whatever it is, when they're reflecting back at you, that back at you and it's hitting you, they're just reflecting to you what you missed out on as a child, or what you had to suppress in yourself as a child, or what you had to change in yourself as a child.

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Metaphysical Healing - My Journey

My life this time last year, I was extremely ill, almost died. It was a lot. I expected my body to be reacting a lot. What do I say? Having more anxiety, more fear, just feeling like the dread of this time of the year because it's literally, this is the second day, 12 months ago when I was fucking so sick.

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Draining Mind Chatter

When we sit in what I like to call the shallow, that's when you will notice this thing's ruminating the mind chatter, the same shit all the time, the same conversations you're playing out in your mind, even when they haven't happened. Someone does something

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Your Inner Control Freak

So when we hear the word control freak, it's generally a word or a description that we ourselves are describing about somebody externally or somebody having a conversation with us and explaining somebody else.

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

How to move on

So I recently had a client who was in a really combative relationship, and it wasn't an intimate relationship, it was just a relationship, a friendship. And there was a situation that arose.

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Clearing the old

I was reflecting upon my energy yesterday. I went to bed in a place of just what the fuck, quite frankly. Wasn't really with work stuff. I mean, it kind of did flow into work stuff because my work and my businesses are so personal.

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Family & Shame

Every time that someone in your family line is doing something that you perceive as being embarrassing or shameful, that triggers that response in you. And what you'll find is is that you'll start to have the memories. Your body will start to bring up the memories of those times in your life where you have felt embarrassed by yourself and your own behavior.

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Hidden Grief

So I've realized after doing some work last night that the feelings that I'm feeling now towards a particular relationship in my life is actually me grieving the loss of what once was. So I have some angst, some anger, some frustration, definitely some envy towards the relationship, towards the other person. And I understand my charts. So this is one of the reasons why it's so important to understand your charts...

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Do What Works!

If your intention is to change, or you've had enough of where you are and you're seeking change, or you want something different in your life, don't continue to listen to the same fucking people that you're listening to now

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

The Metaphysical Body – Grief

I'm going to talk about it from the metaphysical body point of view,

where grief lives in the body. And if we don't move through and process our grief on any level, from the loss of a loved one, to the loss of a job, to the loss of your pet, to the loss of whatever, grief is just a loss and a hole that's been left, and what fills that hole is that overwhelming emotional or emotion of grief..

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Nataile Mazzoni Nataile Mazzoni

Discernment - The First Steps

So over the past few months, I've been going through this little period of becoming more discerning with pretty much everything in my life, the people, the decisions I'm making,

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